Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Xantus Lesson Plan

In this lesson, I begin my lesson by having students think of words that beings or have the "x" sound in words. I created a brainstorm list on the board and have students list words with "X". There wasn't so many words they can come up with, so I introduced them to the Letter "X" book. I had students say the letter, sound, and picture. When I was done with my read aloud, I asked them again to name words with "X" from the read aloud book. When they are finished, I introduced them to a bird called Xantus. I gave them facts about the bird and also showed them a picture of the bird. When they are finish, they had to finish their KWL chart. As we moved to the next lesson, I had students create their own puppets and recite their Xantus puppet poetry.

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