Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quail Lesson

I begin my lesson by having students review words that begins with the letter "Q". I did a brainstorm list so that I can jot down students word on the white board. Then, I did a read aloud with the Letter "Q" book. I had the students say the letter, sound, and picture. After I was done with the book, I introduce them to Quails. I created a KWL chart and made students list what they know and what they want to learn about Quails. I showed them a real picture of an Quail. Then, I have students create Quail puppet and made them recite the poem. Today's lesson turn out successful. The kids enjoyed the lesson especially when it came to the part where they had to create their own puppets.

Quilt for "Q" Lesson

I begin my lesson by having students review words that begins with the letter "Q". I did a brainstorm list so that I can jot down students word on the white board. Then, I did a read aloud with the Letter "Q" book. I had the students say the letter, sound, and picture. After I was done with the book, I introduce upper and lower case. I made each students come up to the board to practice writing the letter "Q". Then, I introduce the Quilt poetry. I had the students echo read the quilt poem. When they were done, I made each student create their own quilt. When everyone was done with their quilt, we went over the poem again.

Zebra Lesson Plan

In this lesson, I begin my lesson by having students review words that begins with the letter "Z". I did a brainstorm list so that I can jot down students word on the white board. Then, I did a read aloud with the Letter "Z" book. I had the students say the letter, sound, and picture. After I was done with the book, I introduce upper and lower case. I made each students come up to the board to practice writing the letter "Z". Then, I introduce the KWL chart. I had the students list what they know and what they want to learn about Zebra. I showed them a real picture of an zebra. Then, I have students create Zebra puppets and made them recite the poem. Kids loved today's lesson.

Introducing Quarters Lesson Plan

In this lesson, I had students review each coins. Then, I introduce quarters to the class. I asked students how much a quarter is worth to make a dollar, whose face is on the quarter, etc... I also had students identify quarters by giving them an activity sheet with different coins. Students had to color out all the quarters. When students are done with their activity, they started graphing quarters with their activity sheet. The kids loved the activity.

Xantus Lesson Plan

In this lesson, I begin my lesson by having students think of words that beings or have the "x" sound in words. I created a brainstorm list on the board and have students list words with "X". There wasn't so many words they can come up with, so I introduced them to the Letter "X" book. I had students say the letter, sound, and picture. When I was done with my read aloud, I asked them again to name words with "X" from the read aloud book. When they are finished, I introduced them to a bird called Xantus. I gave them facts about the bird and also showed them a picture of the bird. When they are finish, they had to finish their KWL chart. As we moved to the next lesson, I had students create their own puppets and recite their Xantus puppet poetry.

Yak Lesson Plan

In this lesson, the kids learned the Letter "Y". I had students brainstorm words the begins with the letter "Y". Then, I did a read aloud using the Letter Y book. Students had to say the letter, sound, and picture. The kids loved it!! Then, I had introduce them to Yak. I did a KWL chart and have students list what they know and what they want to learn about Yak. Then, I read to them some facts about Yaks and also showed them pictures of Yaks. I also have students at the end list down what they have learned about Yaks. But this wasn't the ending of the lesson. I had students create their own Yak puppets. My students did an amazing job!!

Community Helper Lesson Plan

In this lesson, I did a KWL chart on Community Helpers. I had the students brainstorm and list the different types of community helpers they find on our island of Saipan. I also have the student list what they want to learn about community helpers. Then, I showed them plastic toys of all the community helpers. Each group had to choose one of their favorite community helper and write facts of what they know about that community helper. I did help them by writing down their facts. When all the groups are done with their facts sheet, I made each group member present their findings to class. I was so amazed that I had to take picture. It was really cute for me to see a 5 year old students go up to the board and present their work. Mrs. Cyndi and I laughed with joy to see how our students have grown.

Money Lesson

Today on March 04, me and Mrs. Cyndi's students learned about the different types of money. They had to identify the different types of coins like penny, nickle, dime, and quarters. Students had to also know how much the coins where worth. After reviewing the coins, they also had to recite their poem on each coin. I also did a read aloud on the coin book. The kids really loved it. When we are finished reviewing the coins, I made students graph quarters in the graphing sheet. Love this activity!!!

Emily Elephant Lesson

On March 29, I begin my lesson by having students review words that begins with the letter "E". I did a brainstorm list so that I can jot down students word on the white board. Then, I did a read aloud with the Letter "E" book. I had the students say the letter, sound, and picture. After I was done with the book, I introduce upper and lower case. I made each students come up to the board to practice writing the letter "E". Then, I introduce the KWL chart. I had the students list what they know and what they want to learn about Elephants. I showed them a real picture of an elephant. Then, I have students create Emily Elephant and made them recite the poem. Today's lesson turn out successful. The kids enjoyed the lesson especially when it came to the part where they had to create their own puppets.

Telling Time Song

Telling Time
(Tune: My Grandfather's Clock)

Oh the hands of the clock turn around all day
and I wondered what they were for.
There are numbers 1 through 12
But this I could never be sure.
Then one day I found that the hands that turn around
One was big while the other was small
And that's how I learned to tell time
Reading the clock on the wall
The small hand is the hour hand
The big hand is the minute hand
And that's how I learned to tell time
Reading the clock on the wall.

Telling Time Learning Center

I have displayed a Learning Center on "Telling Time" because Telling Time is part of the Standards & Benchmarks in Kindergarten. In my Learning Center, I displayed reading materials on clocks, songs on clocks, various activities on telling time, clocks, and other needed materials for the center. The rules for my Learning Center is [1] No more than 5 people allowed in the center, [2] Return materials so others can use, [3] Be on task, [4] before starting an activity--sign in on the activity folder you will be working on, [5] when finish with activity, file work in your student folders, and [6] Have fun!! Students seems to enjoy the learning center. They always look forward when it comes to Learning Center days. When they are finished with their learning center, students get to sing their "Telling Time"song.

Alphabet Puppets

Each week, the students learn a letter from the alphabet. Once they are introduced to that letter, they will create a puppet animal that begins with the letter they are learning. Students find making puppets very interesting and engaging. It not only helps the child review the alphabet letter but also is a reinforcement to the learning.

Peace Builder Pledge

I am a Peace Builder.

I pledge...

To praise people
To give up put downs
To seek wise people
To notice and speak up about hurts I have caused
To right wrongs
To help others

I will build peace at home, at school, and in my community each day.

Classroom Rules

Rule#1 We listen and follow direction
Rule #2 We raise up our hands when we want to speak
Rule #3 We use inside voice
Rule #4 We treat each other with Respect
Rule #5 We keep our hands and feet to ourselves
Rule #6 We share materials
Rule #7 We work as a TEAM

Classroom Behavior Chart

This behavior Chart is used in the classroom to prevent inappropriate behaviors in the classroom. The way this Behavior Management Chart is presented is in code colors. Green means the student is doing good. Yellow means the child is in warning. Orange means Time Out for 5 minutes. And Red means Student-Parent-Teacher Conference. Here, all the parents are informed about the Behavior Chart policy. I do find this management very useful and effective because its the student who flips the card themselves. They are the ones who takes ownership of their behavior. Nice Management!!

Classroom Observation

During my 10 hours observation in Mrs. Cynthia Pangelinan's class, I find her classroom very inviting towards learning. As I stepped in her classroom, I already see the exciting teacher I will be working with. As students start their day in the classroom, they already know what was expected from them. Everyday, there are always words written on the board like a "bell work". The purpose of her bell work is for students to become better writters. As students are doing their bell work, Mrs. Cyndi is also checking their homework. Once students are already finished with their bell work, Mrs. Cyndi rings her bell and all the students stands up from their chair waiting to be called to the carpet area. These students are grouped into 5 groups and they always go in order in the carpet. When all group members are all in the carpet, she uses a popsicle stick to check which student will be today's teacher. The child will go over with the class the calendar, the basic shapes and colors, the Monthly poem, Days of the Week, Classroom Pledge, Peace Builder Pledge, Classroom rules, and Alphabet. When students is done teaching, the teacher then reads them a book. Once they are finish with their morning or afternoon routines, they move into their Direct Instructions. Direct Instruction for the Kindergarten is more like teaching them correct sentence and words. They also learn about what other people do in the communities.